Primary BWCA Entry Points and Routes
Below are the primary entry points we serve. However, you are not limited to these areas. If you need help choosing the best trip for you and your group, check out our recommended routes or contact us and ask.
#35 Isabella Lake
Good starting point for paddlers who desire a river trip. Great area for wildlife. Very remote and scenic. Good three to six day area. Due to the Pigami Creek Fire, there are some closures in this area. Call us for the latest details. Check out: BWCA Voyaguer Map 7 for entry point 35
Suggested Route: Isabella Lake to Little Isabella river
#36 Hog Creek
Provides a unique combination of a narrow winding stream with a beautiful large destination lake of islands and peaceful bays for base camping. A good consistent fishing lake that has very high loyalty among fans. Great for first time trippers or groups with young children.
Suggested Route: Hog Creek to Perent Lake
#37 Kawishiwi Lake
Provides direct access to the heart of the east central BWCA. Good entry point for first timers as well as adventurous visitors looking for a challenge. This is a popular entry point for anglers looking for walleye.
Suggested Route: Kawishiwi to Pictographs on Fishdance
#38 Sawbill
This is the third most popular entry in the BWCA, which makes it a busy one. It’s a great entry to access pristine wilderness. We recommend using a Kevlar canoe because many routes have long or frequent portages.
#39 Baker Lake
Take this entry point for easy access to one of the more scenic parts of the BWCA Wilderness. You’ll find the Temperance River flowage, where shallow lakes are surrounded by towering hills. This entry offers visitors a quiet alternative to nearby Sawbill Lake.
Suggested Route: Baker, Cherokee, Fire Chain Loop
#40 Homer Lake
Here you’ll find a gateway to an area of narrow lakes, good fishing and wildlife. For new canoe trippers, it’s a perfect 3-day loop to the Brule Lake entry. It’s also worth exploring for those with longer itineraries that extend north through Brule Lake.
Suggested Route: Homer to Brule Loop
#41 Brule Lake
This is one of the largest (totally non-motorized lake) in the BWCA. You’ll find access to many scenic loops with good fishing. Keep an eye on the weather since westerly winds can whip up big waves. In addition to our suggested route Brule is also a great base camp trip for kayaks or those looking to avoid portages.
Suggested Route: Brule Long Island Loop

Additional BWCA Entry Points and Routes: Gunflint Trail/Arrowhead Trail