Suggested route
Days 3-5
Features: Good fishing, river travel, solitude, Pagami Creek Fire, point to point Route
Day one:
Before beginning this trip you will need to leave one vehicle at the take out parking area at the Little Isabella River entry point #75.
Many groups will choose to spend their first day on Isabella Lake, this will be the largest lake in this route, so it is worth exploring. Fishing on Isabella Lake can be very good. There are plenty of walleye in this lakes along with a large northern pike. The Pagami Creek Fire came through this area as well most of the Isabella River. Look to the East side of Isabella Lake to avoid fire scars.
Day two:
On day two you will paddle along the Isabella river for most of the day after leaving Isabella lake. There are a few sites along the river, however due to fire damage many of these sights are not in great shape. For this reason many groups will continue onto Quadga Lake. Along the river be sure to be quite as you come around the many bends and you may be lucky enough to see a moose. Moose have plenty of food in this area due to the re growth of young trees after the Pagami Creek Fire. Look for walleyes in narrows of the river or any spots with current. Once on Quadga the best sight is on the north shore. Quadga Lake is crystal clear and offers great fishing. Some groups will choose to extend this trip by staying multiple days on Quadga.
Day three: Leaving Quadga Lake you will portage back into the Isabella River. Pay attention because after about a mile later you will come to confluence with the Little Isabella River. You will begin heading upstream against a light current on the Little Isabella River. This is a gorgeous section as you quickly leave the Pigami Creek Fire behind. There are a few short portages around rapids and several beaver dams. This river is small but general contains enough water for good paddling just be careful and have your bow paddler watch for obstacles.
There is also an option to make this route longer by continuing until Little Gabbro Lake.