Entry Point 36: Hog Creek
Route Description: Travel Hog Creek to a beautiful destination lake with over 15 islands and 20 campsites. This route is ideal for families or anglers who want to travel a short 3-mile distance with very little portaging to base camp. From the parking lot, portage your gear down a short trail to get to the the creek. You will encounter one 10 rod portage past some rapids shortly after the start of your paddle. Hog Creek is a winding wilderness waterway providing opportunity to see beavers and maybe even beaver damns. In this regard, the creek paddling is noticeably easier in the spring and early summer. No matter what time of year, Perent Lake is worth the trip. The contrast of the narrow creek to the nearly 1600 acre lake is incredible. Take your time to paddle around the islands and cast your line for walleye and northern. Fill your days by exploring the three large bays and keep your eye out for berries on the shore in July and August. If you are lucky enough to nab one of the 6 island sites, you can try your luck fishing right off shore while taking in the sunset.